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1. What does ESG investing aims to do with ESG risks and opportunities?
a) Assess, assure, inform
b) Research, valuation, portfolio construction
c) Identify, evaluate and price
2. Which of the following is true about best-in-class investments?
a) All best-in-class investments are related to responsible investment
b) All best-in-class investments are not related to responsible investment
c) Some of best-in-class investments are related to responsible investment
3. Which of the following is true about sovereign funds?
a) All sovereign funds will consider ESG in their investments
b) Some sovereign funds will consider ESG in their investments
c) Sovereign funds are regarded as asset managers
4. Who introduces the dismal theorem?
a) Martin Weitzman
b) Nicholas Stern
c) John Kay
5. Which of the following is about alignment?
a) Nomination committee
b) Audit committee
c) Remuneration committee
6. Which of the country has the first formal corporate code in the world?
a) Netherlands
b) UK
c) US
7. Which of the following one is often responsible for engagement?
a) Asset owner
b) Fund labeler
c) Asset manager
8. Which of the following is true about discounted cash flow (DCF)?
a) DCF is suitable for company analysis, but not for country analysis
b) DCF is suitable for sector analysis, but not for country analysis
c) DCF is suitable for company analysis, sector analysis and country analysis
9. Which of the following is true about ESG integration?
a) ESG integration can only mitigate risk
b) ESG integration can only generate alpha
c) ESG integration can mitigate risk and generate alpha
10. Which of the following is true about market risk?
a) Market risk is idiosyncratic risk
b) Market risk is systematic risk
c) Market risk is both idiosyncratic risk and market risk

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