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1. Which of the following is least related with judgment on management incentives?
a) Public equity investors
b) Fixed income investors
c) Sovereign bond investors
2. What is the expected percentage of population living in an urban environment in 2050?
a) 30%
b) 58%
c) 68%
3. Which asset class may ensure that investors are majority owners or own the asset outright?
a) Real estate
b) Equities
c) Fixed income
4. Using geospatial data in ESG analysis can be regarded as?
a) Big data analysis
b) Real time dynamic analysis
c) Quantitative data analysis
5. Which of the following is true about OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises?
a) It is mandatory principles issued by governments
b) It is voluntary principles issued by governments
c) It is voluntary principles issued by investors
6. Which of the following is material for healthcare industry in SASB materiality map?
a) GHG emissions
b) Customer welfare
c) Biodiversity impacts
7. What of the following is mostly at risk by state intervention?
a) Banks
b) Resources
c) Healthcare
8. Which of the following is true about CDP?
a) CDP is led by UNFCCC
b) CDP is government-backed organization
c) CDP is nonprofit
9. Which of the following is true about monitoring and engagement?
a) Only monitoring can preserve / enhance value
b) Only engagement can preserve / enhance value
c) Both monitoring and engagement can preserve / enhance value
10. Which of the following is the concept of full ESG integration?
a) Systematic and explicit inclusion of ESG risks and opportunities within stock selection and portfolio management
b) Investments made with the specific intent of generating positive, measurable social or environmental impact alongside a financial return
c) Investment in themes or assets specifically related to ESG factors

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