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1. What of the followings is not related to short-termism investment?
a) Financial instability
b) Promote bubbles
c) Economic outperformance
2. Which of the following is not true about Shareholder Rights Directive?
a) It was issued by EU
b) It requires investors to be active owners
c) It requires investors to act with short-term price fluctuations
3. Which of the following is the backbone for PRI?
a) Who Cares Wins and Freshfields Report
b) Who Cares Wins and Brundtland Report
c) Freshfields Report and Brundtland Report
4. Who establishes Network for Greening the Financial System?
a) Investors and asset managers
b) Enterprises and associations
c) Central banks and supervisors
5. Which of the following is true?
a) Carbon allowances uses market mechanisms to reduce their present pollution
b) Natural capital aims to recognize the future value of ecosystems
c) Lawsuits seeks compensation for past contributions to environmental damages
6. Which of the following does not contribute to both adaptation and mitigation?
a) Protection of coastal and freshwater wetlands
b) Building flood defenses
c) Promotion of sustainable agroforestry
7. Which of the following environmental megatrends have a severe social impact?
a) Water scarcity
b) Urbanization
c) Globalization
8. Which of the following is external social factor?
a) Health and safety
b) Human capital development
c) Social opportunities
9. Which is the following is concerned about board independence?
a) ICGN Global Governance Principles
b) ICGN Model Mandate
c) ICGN Global Stewardship Principles
10. Which of the following leads to world’s first stewardship code?
a) Freshfields Report
b) Kay Review
c) Walker Report

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