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1. Which of the following company produce company-level ESG research?
a) Sustainalytics
b) Real Impact Tracker
c) Mercer
2. What is the purpose of reshoring?
a) Monitor ESG developments
b) Reduce supply chain risk
c) Improve production quality
3. Who offers Sustainable Industry Classification System?
4. What is the definition of Total Portfolio Analysis?
a) TPA seeks to build a diversified portfolio based on sources of risk
b) TPA seeks to find the most efficient asset class mix driven by a fund’s liabilities
c) TPA allows for closer review and interplay between the strategy setting process and alignment of investment goals
5. Which one is included in social and relationship capital?
a) Brand and reputation
b) Intellectual property
c) Organizational capital
6. Which agreement plans to phase out the manufacture of hydrofluorocarbons?
a) Glasgow Climate Pact
b) Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol
c) Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return
7. What is the largest carbon reservoir?
a) Ocean
b) Land
c) Forest
8. Why does ESG screening uses peer group data?
a) It is easier to obtain that other types of data
b) It is required by investment mandates
c) It can prevent wholesale exclusions of poorly rated industries
9. Which indicator is used to measure an issuer’s management to uses the assets to generate
sales and profit?
a) Asset turnover ratio
b) Efficiency ratio
c) PE ratio
10. Which of the following is to ensure that the board overall is balanced and effective?
a) Nominations Committee
b) Audit Committee
c) Remuneration Committee

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