CFA协会ESG考试题库第九章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 9 Investment Mandates, Portfolio Analytics and Client Reporting 模拟试题11-20
11. What is the main challenge of effective engagement?
a) Resource constraints
b) Lack of interest from companies
c) Lack of interest from investors
12. What is the role of asset owners in engagement?
a) To lead engagements
b) To delegate engagements to fund managers
c) To ignore engagements
d) All of the above
13. What is the primary goal of engagement?
a) To maximize profits
b) To improve ESG performance
c) To increase shareholder activism
d) All of the above
14. What are some sample questions that an asset owner might ask to gauge a fund manager’s ESG approach?
a) How do you ensure consistent quality in ESG analysis?
b) Are there sectors or geographies where analysis may be weaker?
c) What do you
d) All of the above
15. What is the primary form of ongoing assessment of ESG delivery that clients are likely to perform?
a) Anecdotal assessment
b) Portfolio-wide assessment
c) Company-specific assessment
d) All of the above
16. What is the decision-making process for escalating an engagement if it has not been effective initially?
a) Collaborative engagement or going public with concerns
b) Continuing the same level of engagement
c) Disengaging from the company entirely
d) All of the above
17. What is the difference between negative and positive screening in ESG investing?
a) Negative screening excludes companies with poor ESG performance, while positive screening includes companies with good ESG performance.
b) Negative screening includes companies with good ESG performance, while positive screening excludes companies with poor ESG performance.
c) Negative screening excludes companies with good ESG performance, while positive screening includes companies with poor ESG performance.
d) Negative screening includes companies with poor ESG performance, while positive screening excludes companies with good ESG performance.
18. What is the role of ESG integration in investment decision-making?
a) To replace traditional financial analysis with ESG analysis
b) To supplement traditional financial analysis with ESG analysis
c) To prioritize ESG factors over financial factors
d) To ignore ESG factors in investment decision-making
19. What is the difference between active and passive ESG investing?
a) Active ESG investing involves selecting individual securities based on ESG criteria, while passive ESG investing involves investing in ESG-themed funds.
b) Active ESG investing involves investing in ESG-themed funds, while passive ESG investing involves selecting individual securities based on ESG criteria.
c) Active ESG investing involves selecting individual securities based on financial criteria, while passive ESG investing involves investing in ESG-themed funds.
d) Active ESG investing involves investing in ESG-themed funds, while passive ESG investing involves selecting individual securities based on financial criteria.
20. What is the role of ESG ratings in ESG investing?
a) To provide a standardized measure of ESG performance across different companies
b) To replace traditional financial analysis with ESG analysis
c) To prioritize ESG factors over financial factors
d) To ignore ESG factors in investment decision-making
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