CFA协会ESG考试题库第八章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 8 Integrated Portfolio Construction and Management 模拟试题21-30
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21. In which asset class is transparency and shareholder rights highlighted as favorable for ESG integration?
a) Listed equity
b) Private equity
c) Real assets
d) Hedge funds
22. What approach can be taken to address the coverage gap of ESG ratings within a portfolio?
a) Rescaling the scoreable portion of the portfolio proportionally
b) Ignoring the coverage gap
c) Increasing the scoreable portion of the portfolio
d) Removing the unrated positions
23. What is the potential impact of climate risks on real asset portfolios?
a) Decreased liquidity
b) Higher returns
c) Increased risk exposure
d) Improved diversification
24. Why is it important to consider multiple ESG data sources when assessing the ESG exposure profile of a portfolio?
a) To increase the comprehensiveness of the analysis
b) To reduce the amount of data needed for analysis
c) To simplify the ESG screening process
d) To meet regulatory requirements
25. What language(s) should the summary sections of pre-contractual and product-related website disclosures be provided in?
a) Only in the FMP’s home member state language
b) Only in English
c) In the home member state language and an additional language customary in international finance
d) In all official languages of all EU member states
26. What is the purpose of principal adverse impact (PAI) reporting?
a) To assess the financial performance of investments
b) To disclose ESG risks and impacts
c) To meet regulatory requirements
d) To compare performance against industry peers
27. What is the “do no significant harm” principle in relation to sustainable investments?
a) A principle to avoid severe negative environmental or social impact
b) A principle to maximize financial returns from sustainable investments
c) A principle to minimize ESG ratings coverage gaps
d) A principle to only invest in environmentally sustainable activities
28. What is required for financial market participants that do not consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions?
a) They need to provide a statement and explanation on their website
b) They must increase their investments in sustainable assets
c) They are required to disclose the methodology and data sources used
d) They must seek approval from regulatory authorities
29. Why are equities considered favorable for ESG integration?
a) They have high returns
b) They provide transparency and shareholder rights
c) They have low risk
d) They are widely available
30. What are the key elements of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)?
a) Principle adverse impact reporting and taxonomic reporting
b) Pre-contractual disclosures and periodic disclosures
c) Entity-level reporting and product-level reporting
d) All of the above

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